Adult male Syrian Woodpecker Dendrocopos syriacus.
Note posted the small red nape patch, the incomplete post-auricular stripe, large white forehead patch and fine tip to the bill. Photo taken in Armenia in 2007, by Uku Paal.
Adult female Eurasian Three-toed Woodpecker Picoides tridactylus alpinus. The bird is carrying larva prey to its young in the nest-hole. Photo by László Bécsy, Volovske Mountains, Slovakia, May 2007.
Bark of a Norway Spruce Picea abies removed and peeled back by Eurasian Three-toed Woodpecker Picoides tridactylus. This woodpecker specialises in predating the larvae of the European Spruce Bark Beetle Ips typographus. The trails of the burrows of the larvae can be clearly seen in this photo. Volovske Mountains, Slovakia, September 2009.
This shot of a Black Woodpecker Dryocopus martius was taken in northern Greece by Alexandros Gassios. It is hard to see the amount of red on the crown, but it seems that it is fairly extensive and erect thus this is probably a male bird.
is dedicated to the 10 species of woodpecker (Picidae) that breed in Europe: 9 resident species and the migratory Wryneck. 8 of these 10 also occur outside Europe, with the distribution of Eurasian Three-toed, White-backed, Lesser Spotted, Great Spotted, Black & Grey-headed Woodpeckers stretching eastwards from the Western Palearctic into Asia, whilst Syrian is found in the Middle East & Asia Minor & Wryneck winters in Africa. The global ranges of Green & Middle Spotted Woodpeckers are confined to the Western Palearctic.
I welcome comments, suggestions, photographs, video clips and will credit items used. My aim is to create a non-commercial source for all lovers of the European Picidae. Sincere thanks are due to ALL who have contributed their photos and clips to this blog.
Gerard Gorman:
The Black Woodpecker - a monograph on Dryocopus martius
Gerard Gorman is author of this book, published in 2011 by Lynx Edicions
Woodpeckers of Europe - A Study of the European Picidae
Gerard Gorman is author of this handbook, published in 2004 by Bruce Coleman, UK (ISBN 1 872842 05 4)