Tuesday 5 July 2011

Quiz woodpecker 43

A woodpecker in Italy. Species ? Sex ? Age ?  


  1. Juv Lesser Spot female? Very small appearence and bill especially; overall dull colours and no red suggests it is a female... Am I right?
    Ah and by the way today I just recieved my copy of "Woodpeckers of Europe" and I'm just marvelling at the book! Absolutely great work and of course the illustrations are simply magnificent. Well done! ;)

  2. Domen, Of course, you are right, a juvenile Lesser Spotted. Hard to tell at that age about the sex, but yes, probably a female. Glad yoiu like the book. Look out for my next one, due out in a month or so.

  3. Yeah I thought that too about the sex, but then looked at the plates in your book and opted for the female. Great about the book...I'm looking forward to see it.
