Saturday 22 September 2007

Quiz Woodpecker 3

Here is the next "quiz" woodpecker photo. Let me know what it is. Good luck!


  1. My guess is Middle Spotted Woodpecker, adult, I think female as appears not completely distinctive flank streaking. Otherwise teach me master!
    Mike Cram, South Wales

  2. Hi Mike, well, no one else has commented on this photo... what I can say now is that it is not a Middle Spotted... but I can understand why you suggest that species. It is a tricky shot. Try again...

  3. I´d go for lesser spotted on this one. If it was a middle one it would have showed redish rump (based on the streaking on breast/belly i can understand the guess on middle sp wp). But the rump-color is none-color as in lesser wp.

    Mattias Nordlund, Sweden

  4. Lesser Pecker was going to be my next punt! It was the only other bird I felt it could be plumage wise.


  5. Yes, it is a Lesser Spotted Woodpecker -D.minor. A male - see red on crown. But Mattias when you say "rump" I think you meant to say "vent" or "undertail coverts".
